Anonymous Facebook November 5 attack

Posted by: Andrew
Company: Noble & Associates
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LulzSec and Anonymous join Forces for Operation #AntiSec

Don't worry about the clash of civilisations between East & West, here is the real deal! I reported on the start of World War 3 here and now notice that the war has ratcheted up a notch with the start of a joint Freedom Operation .

This is a typical guerrilla war, with significant asymeteries. On the one side we have the historical command & control structure backed up by big money and protected by a military industrial complex. On the other side we have an emerging organism without a centralised command structure and sharing a common bond of a desire for freedom.

To place this in context, the efforts of Anonymous appear to have been a little like a fly anoying an elephant. This is not to say that the balance of power cannot shift because big things can emerge from small things, a huge tree can grow from a seed.

The future is indeed interesting, especially where the Internet and freedom is concerned.

Posted by: Andrew
Company: Noble & Associates
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Attack on the Control Circuit –Current Time 11.59, Space – Land of the 7 Seven Stars

As we enter the Age of Aquarius, we witness the great forces of the Universe at work; forces that have lain hidden for an age. These forces follow a primal time based archetype that has cycled through history in a fractal recursive pattern. A full understanding of the natural pattern was known of by the ancients and a story woven tightly around its structure in the narrative of gods and goddesses. The current controllers, the Holly Roman Catholic Church hides the complete narrative in the bowls of the Vatican library while supplying their own special version of the myth, especially prepared by Paul for the eyes & ears of the sheep.

The structure of the recursive time archetype is recognised in our connection with mother earth, her bounty and the sky including the sun the moon and the stars connected with our sense of time, menstrual cycles and navigation.

Today the secret, sacred serpent knowledge hidden in the 7 seven scrolls is coming out. The evil single serpent of six is being outed. In the age of eagles and skulls, in the aftermath of a blood sacrifice that spilt blood to the 4 four corners of the great mother, the entwined serpents are glowing and the left hander, out of accord, time of the green man has arrived.

Primary control points –

Energy represented by the $ and held hostage by the banking cartel and their elite cronies. Your masters! Food & fuel = stored energy or physical security.

Knowledge managed through the schooling system - The gradual transfer of education to private schools under control of the church should leave you under no misconception as to who wants to deliver the education.

Laws of the land – Review them and fight for change where necessary; they are just words after all used for some purpose or other.

Media – Ask who owns what major content distribution nodes. Learn who associates with who in the circles of the elite media masters.

Health – You think that the entwined serpents are a symbol of the sickness industry? Do not be deluded. The entwined blue serpent is a symbol of unity, balance and creative engagement. Hermes, Quetzalcoatl and many other mythical beings have been associated with this symbol of trade, union commerce & reproduction.

The Rod of Asclepius with a single serpent represents the sickness industry. It is out of balance representing dis – ease.

Ask why the dollar $ is used for trade while the symbol of trade was integrated into medicine. You will find the story buried deep within mystery and intrigue.

Plan of Attack

Step 1 – Develop self control and self knowledge. Learn how you are moved by your primal urges including reproduction, hierarchy, territory and ritual.

Step 2 - Inoculate yourself & your family against the propaganda and fear mongering of the power hungry by educating yourselves on your history and the techniques used to control you and your ancestors throughout history from the time of the dark ages and before. Control is easier if the masses are disoriented with their minds kept below their belts and brains are fed with fear mongering.

Step 3 – Share your knowledge.

Only when the last priest is strangled with the guts of the last politician will we be free.

New State - Bottom up organisation empowered by artificial intelligence optimised for individualistic, creativity and freedom.

Pluto brings forth the revolutionaries, ready to tear down the frayed old structure in order for a new one to emerge. They come not in their ones or twos but in their legions.

Further information on the control circuit -

Posted by: Andrew
Company: Noble & Associates
Phone: 61894007400
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Occult Western Australia

The occult is the hidden world of magic that underlies our everyday reality. This magic is not the magic you associate with witches & goblins; this is the magic of words, deeds & symbols that are used to control the average person's reality. As strange as this may sound, take a moment to consider the nature of your everyday reality. Other than the forces of nature such as the weather, day & night and the seasons, what else influences your life? What about words & symbols? Yes, these are the features of your reality that have absolute dominion over your life after natural forces. Typically, the words of law will guide your interaction with your fellow man and corporations. The word of God will guide your interaction with your spirituality. The $ (what a symbol!), will guide your reality with the world of scarcity. The words and deeds of the stars will be especially powerful in guiding your children's moral code.

So the occult is where you find the hidden source of this knowledge of control associated with manipulating words, symbols & deeds to exert an effect on groups of individuals and achieve a desired behavioural outcome.

It is not hard to find the well head from which these words & deeds spill forth, the school, the media, the political system and the legal system.

Take some time to search back in history and you can trace a path forward in time to find the controllers of this occult knowledge that rules your world. The controllers are not totally invisible and leave footprints wherever they go. If you live in Western Australia, I suggest a visit to the Kings Park in Perth. Walk around and explore this magnificent park that honours the deaths of thousands of young men and women who died in war. The war memorial resonates with occult power from the giant obelisk that dominates the park to the many other monuments.

The obelisk is also a powerful symbolic feature in London, Canberra, New York & Rome and can be traced back to the sun cult of Akhenaten. This Atenist cult is alive and well today, ruling over your reality.

Search Google images for Akhenaten & Kings Park Perth or Kings Park War Memorial for some interesting images.

Do your own research. The matrix can be deciphered.

Posted by: Andrew
Company: Noble & Associates
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Posted On: 1/1/0001
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The Internet Generation [Wikileaks At War]

Posted by: Andrew
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The Anon of Freedom - Anonymous in Western Australia

We support the fight for freedom against oppressive forces everywhere

Posted by: Andrew
Company: Noble & Associates
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Australia - Sovereign Nation

We the Australian people, look forward to the day when we are a sovereign nation free of the control of global power elites and all their damn lies and acts of manipulation. We will find our Oz at the end of the yellow brick road.


Posted by: Andrew
Company: Noble & Associates
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Wikileaks Australian Freedom Rally

DATE: 10 December
Time: 13:00 - 15:00
Location: Sydney Town Hall, 483 George St, Sydney
Speakers include Antony Lowenstein, the Pirate Party & others.
For more info, please contact:
Rally contact: Kylie Gilbert 0451 827 693
Media contact: Simon Butler 0421 231 011
Facebook page

DATE: 10 December
Time: 16:30 - 19:30
Location: State Library Lawns, 328 Swanston St, Melbourne (as part of the Human Rights Day rally)
Facebook page

DATE: 10 December
Time: 6pm
Location: Wesley Church (cnr William & Hay Sts, Perth)

DATE: 9 December
Time: 17:30 - 20:30
Location: Brisbane Square, Queen St Mall, Brisbane
DATE: 10 December
Time: 12:00 - 15:00
Location: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 295 Ann Street, Brisbane.
Speakers include Andrew Bartett. More TBC.
Rally information: Liam Hanlon 0435 266 613
Media contact: Jim McIlroy 0423 741 734
Facebook page (Dec 9)
Facebook page (Dec 10)

DATE: 11 December
Time: 12:00 - 15:00
Location: Hobart Parliament Lawns, Salamanca
Facebook page

DATE: 12 December
Time: 13:00 - 14:30
Location: Parliament House, North Terrace, Adelaide
See the leaflet here
Facebook page

Posted by: Andrew
Company: Noble & Associates
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3rd World War Underway - Wikileaks Attack Opens New Front

Ok, so if you're not paying attention you might miss the war. There is no blood running in the streets, just the quite website attacks on the corporate fascist system as every effort is made to shut down Wikileaks.

We are playing for keeps now as the facist state system exposes itself in a Wikileaks attack in order to escape from the glare of transparency.

For a short, concise description of Fascism . Fascist systems are rotten & deserve to be hacked down under revolutionary conditions if necessary.

Take whatever action is necessary but avoid physical violence which will not impact the outcome. Our new reality is virtual & needs to be kept open & transparent at all costs.

Read about the attacks on corporate sites looking to have Wikileaks shut down.

Posted by: Andrew
Company: Noble & Associates
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Your Freedom - Sign the Wikileaks Petition Now!

This is an email I received today. Take a moment to send a message to those who aspire to be your future masters!


I never normally do this sort of thing, but I feel that the pressures being brought to bear on Wikileaks are threatening freedom of speech everywhere and will set a precedent for years to come - if we do not act, the way will be cleared for censorship by proxy and directly, using govt regulation or pressure on commercial companies like Paypal, Amazon and EasyDNS to follow a government line

Things that may be strengthened and empowered include ISP based internet filters in Australia, Media Tribunals in South Africa amongst other anti democratic tools that governments everywhere would love to use - especially those that would like their "private business" to remain private - allowing corruption to continue and dissident views to be suppressed.

Burma, Zimbabwe, China and others will be encouraged to continue their practice of shutting down free speech because the West has been proven to do so, when we should be setting the moral high ground.

If we do not do something, we may be expected to see in future that the news will be limited to the banalities of Lady Gaga's "controversial" dress sense or what Paris Hilton did on Saturday night. And it will be our fault.

Avvaaz are initiating a petition to work against the Wikileaks crackdown.

I've just signed the petition and urge you to do the same to stop the Wikileaks crackdown. We need to know the truth and stop politicians lying to the world.

I think you'll be interested and might want to support the campaign, too. Check out the link below and join me in signing:

I also urge you to donate to Wikileaks if at all possible.

Posted by: Andrew
Company: Noble & Associates
Phone: 61894007400
Posted On: 1/1/0001
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